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"There were two instances in my life when I felt deep sadness when my boss left. One was in at DWU when Valia Papoutsaki left for NZ...There are bosses, and then there are exceptional leaders." J.E. 2018
An excellent example of the professoriate role is the work by Associate Professor Evangelia Papoutsaki, who aims at facilitating and supporting research communication of research at Unitec through ePress, producing a range of quality assured publications, including three journals (Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Perspectives in Biosecurity and Pūrātoke Journal of Undergraduate Research in the Creative Arts and Industries). Evangelia uses her role as Editor in Chief to catalyse research at Unitec through the nurturing of new and emerging authors to publish quality-assured outputs, supporting Unitec staff to be editors and peer-reviewers, and making Unitec research available to a wide audience.
- Unitec Professoriate Group 2018
Kia ora Valia!
Nga mihi nunui ki a koe! I really loved developing my proposal and it was so awesome having a lecturer who exudes, embraces and breathes mana wahine (that's you!) It made our meetings and korero transformative, for once I felt comfortable and confident in an educational environment which is uncommon for tauira Māori! So for that I am so grateful, you let me use and express my ancestor's knowledge and translate it into a tangible research proposal, my whanau are so thankful for that
Noho ora mai, arohanui hoki
Mani (MIC Research Methods, 2016)
You are an inspiring lecturer (P.A. Communication for Development and Social Change - Masters in International Communication, 2014)
Thank you so much for a wonderful course. You have impressed and inspired me a lot (Kiet,Communication for Development and Social Change - Masters in International Communication, 2012)
I learned a lot from the way you teach. You have a great charisma. Thank you for being so kind. (Pooja, Communication for Development and Social Change - Masters in International Communication, 2014)
I am just reflecting on my BIG year of academic learning. I am so grateful for the CFSC paper - it has really influenced my practice. I havearesident driven film, that identifies area for social change and next year we will work more with how to use CFSC for each theme that emerges. It has taken nearly year to get the film made (and the film was a booth at an event, the event was organised largely by residents) we spent a large part of the year just thinking. Thanks for your wonderful teaching ( the comments you made about my presentation have really helped me hone my skills), my writing is improving and I feel excited about my work in the community. (Cissy, Communication for Development and Social Change - Masters in International Communication, 2012)
Thank you so much for the tremendously exciting semester. I have to say, …I feel a sense of accomplishment… in learning many things. Especially I can now carry out an intelligent conversation about the nuclear power policy with people in Japan after almost 4 years of absence.
(Mutsumi, Communication for Development and Social Change - Masters in International Communication, 2014)
You are the most amazing lecturer and researcher. I have really enjoyed this class. Sandra, Research Methods, MIC, 2014
I would like you to know that your course this semester was from far one of the most interesting, I really enjoyed knowing more about cross-cultural communication. …Thank you for your kindness and limitless enthousiasm, it is always appreciated! It was a pleasure to attend your class.
Olivia, Crosscultural Communication, Chuo University, Japan, 2013
Thank you so much for your kindness and comments which would be very useful for me if I were to further my studies in law. I did enjoy your class and found what I was searching for. To be honest your class is the most worthwhile class I attended during the programme. ... My children know about you and our classmates because I have been telling them what I came across. Decolonization and finding our identity are actually important even for children. Thank you once again for the wealth of knowledge I gained
(Prasanna Research Methods 2016)
I loved the entire going-back-to-school experience, sitting for lectures, researching and writing. And its beauty was enhanced by attending your classes. You are very passionate about this subject and that adds charisma and life to the lectures.
S.K Communication for Development and Social Change class, 2017
Thank you for creating an environment of enthusiasm for learning, appreciation for growing, and room for making mistakes along the way. I am grateful to have you as a guide, leading by example.
Y.X. Research Methods 2017
Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn from you and to open my eyes in a different spectrum I've ever imagine. Most definitely this is something I've grown to be passionate about and with the right knowledge and point of action I'm sure this is where I would like to be.
M.F. Communication for Development and Social Change, 2017
It's my pleasure that I got a chance to meet you in my life. You are the best and very good teacher. I really appreciate the way you teach and communicate. Your energy, enthusiasm and efficiency has made me a different human being now.
R.N. Communication for Development and Social Change, 2017